Data for the years 1967 to March 1974 is rather sketchy, for it was around that period of time that the Conn Brasswinds were being manufactured in Abilene, TX. Gives lists of various serial numbers for Conn wind instruments.If it was made in 1987 or later:From 1987 on, the two-digit prefix number plus 50 will give you the year of manufacture on all Conn products. Please add a comment if you need a specific area. The 'J' made me think of Jupiter but their current model numbers to not look like J + 2 digit number.I also found a serial number, which is 85937.Per request, here are some photos. Does anyone know the brand? Or the place where I can find the answer to that questions?I tried to google the answer but without success. I'm wondering if this could be a model name. The sousaphone I'm speaking of in another question has 'J 41' embossed near the screws that hold the bell.